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To the southwestern part of Peloponnese, in the foothills of the mount Ithomi, lied -in ancient times- the city of Messini, one of the most important ancient cities of the region, with significant historical presence. The city was founded in 369 BC by the Theban general Epaminondas and his allies from Argos, in order to exclude the Spartans from the region of Messinia.

Ancient Messini was surrounded by a wall of 9.5 Km in length, most of which stands until today. It has two gates, the Arcadian and the Laconian, of which the first is in a fairly good condition. It is an enormous and imposing gate, circular, with two entrances, one indoor and one outdoor.

Excavations has brought to light important landmarks of the ancient city including: the theater, the Market, the sanctuaries of Demeter and Dioscuri, of savior Zeus, of Isis, and of Sarapis, the shrine of a hero, the mighty fountain “Arsinoe”, a large Doric temple, the Asclepium -which was the brightest public building- the Eklesiasterion (resembling somehow to a small theater), the stadium, the gymnasium and an early basilica of Byzantine years, which was built later in the site.

It is one of the best preserved ancient cities of the ancient world and one of the most interesting archaeological destinations.